Technology innovation involves technical approaches to various themes including energy conservation, cost efficiency, speeding up processes, quality improvement as well as environmental conservation activities that open the way to the future in the industrial world.
What can Kusumoto Chemicals, Ltd. do for such current requirements? It must find the answer to this question and keep making proposals to the market. That’s our vision and social mission.
When there is an organic overlap between advanced expertise and unique technology that we have accumulated over the years, a new window opens up showing great possibilities to exercise our creativity.
To venture into a futuristic "Solution" that meets the requirements of a new age, we are facing a challenge to maximize these possibilities — a challenge to obtain customers’ confidence.
You can count on our new "Solution."!
President Keita Kusumoto

•A SEA TURTLE is a fitting symbol for our vision.
We have adopted the sea turtle as the Cpmpany’s symbol since its features represent our diverse vision: Cohabitation with nature (ecology); Habitation in seven seas (global); Tortoiseshell, a reminder of a cyclohexane ring(chemical); and Symbol of longevity (sustainability).